Shenzhen KAMCY New Energy Co., Ltd. exerts social welfare forces to help garbage classification

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In response to the call of the Shenzhen Municipal Government's 'Shenzhen Municipal Domestic Waste Classification and Reduction Management Measures', since June, Shenzhen Kangsheng New Energy Co., Ltd. has organized employees to actively participate in the public welfare activities of 'Waste Sorting, Green Home' to help Shenzhen municipal waste Classification policies are better implemented, and urban green homes can be better created.

Entering the dog days, the outdoor temperature has exceeded 37°C. In the hot weather with the scorching sun, in the Chuangfu community, we can still see the scene of Kangsheng volunteers devoting themselves to the voluntary service of garbage sorting, which has become the hottest thing in the dog days.


In order to better manage the garbage classification (such as lithium battery recycling) points to ensure accurate classification and quality. Chuangfu Community merged the original 36 garbage dumping points into 21, speeding up the work of removing bins and merging points. Community residents, staff, property staff, and volunteers from our Kangsheng Company have turned into garbage sorting volunteers, sticking to the fixed-point garbage dumping room, and assisting residents in the garbage sorting work.

'If you are not afraid of getting dirty or tired, you must be patient and responsible. Sister Zhang can check the bags one by one. Every time my children come to throw out the trash, Sister Zhang will praise her as a trash sorter. Experts, children at home are also very keen on garbage sorting.' A resident of the community praised us.


Garbage sorting is a new fashion. Kangsheng volunteers adhere to service orientation, implement supervision responsibilities, integrate garbage classification into community governance, and effectively disseminate classification knowledge to residents, creating a good atmosphere in which everyone knows about garbage classification and everyone participates in garbage classification.

In this regard, Mr. Ke, Chairman of Kangsheng Battery, said: Kangsheng is committed to the business philosophy of 'Economy to benefit the people, people-oriented, justice and benefit', thus achieving a win-win of economic and social benefits. In the eyes of Kangsheng, public welfare is the responsibility of every enterprise; public welfare is the social responsibility of every enterprise.

 KAMCY - to make the safest lithium battery.

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