How long is the battery life cycle of new energy vehicles

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Regarding new energy vehicles, I think most people worry about the battery life and longevity of new energy vehicles. After all, cars are a means of transportation for us to drive for a few years. So, how many years can new energy vehicles drive?

Battery type

At present, as far as the author knows, there are two types of batteries used in new energy vehicles. One is called iron phosphate lithium ion battery, and the other is called ternary lithium ion battery. These two kinds of batteries have their own advantages and disadvantages. One has twice the cycle life, and the other has longer battery life in winter. In addition, each model is equipped with different types. For example, BAIC EV200 and EV160 have different batteries. Basically, the length of the vehicle's battery life is related to the battery capacity. The greater the capacity, the farther the vehicle will run and the longer the charging time. A large car may be equipped with a 30-degree battery, and a 23-degree battery with a short battery life, and so on.

Battery Life

Many prospective car owners care about whether the battery is the same as the battery of a mobile phone. Since no one has used new energy electric vehicles for too long, it is difficult to answer such questions for the time being. However, according to the data provided by the vehicle manufacturer, the battery life can reach 1000-2000 charge and discharge cycles. Using this data as a reference, assuming that the charge and discharge are completed once a day, 365 times a year, then the battery can theoretically be used for 3-6 years. The battery life mentioned here means that the charging capacity of the battery drops to 70% of the original (this standard has no national standard reference). In addition, during the five-year warranty of the vehicle, 4S will regularly check the battery, and if it finds a module with reduced performance, it will recommend replacing it.

What is the life span of new energy vehicles?

There may be friends who are still concerned. If the battery is to be completely replaced after 5 years, will it be expensive to buy a new battery? Looking at the current situation, the price varies according to the battery capacity of each car. But what is certain is that the price is really not low! Basically 80% of the car purchase price! But we don't need to worry too much, because if that time comes, we might not choose the original battery. Judging from the products on the market now, the price of the subsidiary factory battery is only 30,000 to 40,000 yuan, not to mention that the price will be even lower in 5 years. On the other hand, looking at the current development direction of electric vehicle manufacturers, products with longer cruising range, faster charging speed, and lighter quality are the development trends in the next few years. The birth of new materials and new processes is bound to enable new energy electric vehicles. The car market ushered in spring. At that time, it's time for us to change cars.

The spectators of new energy vehicles are generally worried that,'compared to engines, batteries are not reliable'. In fact, the battery technology of new energy vehicles has been quite mature since the development of new energy vehicles. There are pure electric taxis in Shenzhen and Beijing. The media reported that Shenzhen The battery of BYD E6's electric taxi has not broken even after driving 300,000 kilometers, and the charging capacity has always been maintained at more than 80%.

In order to alleviate the concerns of car owners, when the state announced the first batch of new energy vehicle catalogs exempted from purchase tax in August last year, it specifically stipulated that the supply of key components such as power lithium batteries, motors, and electronic controls for new energy vehicles in the catalog should not be less than 5 Yearly or 100,000 kilometers warranty.

charging method

The first is the fast charging port. This type of charging port is generally located at the front of the car (the opposite of JAC IEV5, the same below), which is a DC charging method and requires high-power fast charging piles. The charging time is relatively fast, generally it can be charged to 80% in tens of minutes.

The second type is the slow charging port. This type of charging port is generally on the rear side of the car, the same as the gasoline car refueling port. This type of charging port should use a slow charging pile, which is the most important ordinary charging pile for prospective car owners to consider installing. The charging pile is 220V AC input, and it takes several hours to fully charge. Generally, when buying a car, a charging cable is provided with the car, one end is plugged into the car, and the other end is plugged into the slow pile.

The third type is the emergency charging port. Also known as power bank. Some brands will give away one with the car, similar in size to an electric bicycle charger, one end is plugged into the slow charging port of an electric car, and the other end is plugged into the family's three-hole socket. For those residents who are not convenient to install electric piles, but the parking spaces are closer to the windows, it is very convenient. Just pull a terminal block out of the window to charge the electric car. However, this charging method will be slower than slow charging piles.

I want to say here that the connector of the slow charging port is national standard, and it is common for all cars, but not all cars can be charged on an electric pile. Specific issues will be introduced in the next question. In addition, the plug of the emergency charger is a 16A jack. The general home jack is 10A, and the air conditioner jack is 16A. With the rapid development of China's new energy automobile industry, the consumption of power batteries has also increased. However, after the power battery is decommissioned, if it is not scientifically treated, it will not only waste metal resources, but also seriously threaten public safety and cause irreversible pollution to the ecological environment. Therefore, China is accelerating the establishment of a power battery recycling system, and has formed a new energy vehicle power battery recycling industry that has begun to take shape.

The latest information released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that the cumulative amount of power storage batteries in China has exceeded 131GWh (GWh), and the scale of the industry ranks in the forefront. Among them, the new energy vehicles produced during the promotion period of the Ten Cities Thousand Vehicles Project only had a total of 12,600 tons of retired power batteries.

With the rapid development of China's new energy automobile industry, the consumption of power batteries has also increased. It is worth noting that after a large number of power batteries are decommissioned, they will threaten public safety and cause irreversible environmental pollution without proper disposal and maximum value utilization. Therefore, China is accelerating the establishment of a power battery recycling system, and has formed a new energy vehicle power battery recycling industry that has begun to take shape.

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